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Strength Tarot Card - VIII Major Arcana

Strength Tarot Card - VIII Major Arcana

Represents inner strength, courage, and the ability to overcome challenges with a gentle and compassionate approach. 

The woman with the face of a lion suggests a merging of human and animal qualities; the balance between our natural instincts and higher consciousness.

The lion, usually associated with strength and courage, reflects the primal energy within us that, when harnessed and tamed, becomes a source of great power. Strength comes from understanding and integrating both our wild and civilized selves. 

The tattooed flowers on the woman's lion face and chest are symbols of growth and transformation. It means that strength is not just about brute force but also involves nurturing and blossoming into one's full potential.

The tattoos also signify personal experiences and growth, reminding us that our past has contributed to our strength.

The flowers surrounding the woman and the planet flowers represent a connection to nature and the cosmic forces. Our strength is not confined to the earthly realm but is part of a larger, cosmic order.

This Tarot Strength card encourages you to recognize both your wild and refined qualities, and recognize the beauty in your personal growth and experiences.


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