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Studying the database and file age

When we are starters at micro stock, one of the things we must do to learn more about stock image industry is to study the database to see what is uploaded, what sells better, what are the current trends and so on.

This cannot be achieved in one day or a week, it is more a continuous work we all must do while we are shooting, editing, drawing, uploading, keywording and doing all other necessary work.

One of the errors I have made when I started was to assume that images with some or many sales were the best ones in the database and draw some (wrong) conclusions of it.

Althought most of those images have proven their value, there was one point I have missed: their age on the database. An old image has more chances of being sold more times because back then there was less competition and, for that reason, a less quality image would have more chances of being sold.

So, I have decided to compile a rough "age on the database" table for the files based on their ID number, at least since I started uploading to Dreamstime. If you were there before me and wish to contribute with older data, please let me know.

Eyes Seamless Background
© Illustration: Celia Ascenso | Agency:

12/12/2011 - 22344722
01/02/2012 - 22517434
01/31/2012 - 22996753
02/29/2012 - 23538410
03/30/2012 - 24008818
04/29/2012 - 24536425
05/30/2012 - 25025929
06/29/2012 - 25481639
07/31/2012 - 25888380
08/29/2012 - 26306396
09/28/2012 - 26773604
10/30/2012 - 27362013
11/29/2012 - 27828024
12/28/2012 - 28241858
01/30/2013 - 28715398
03/03/2013 - 28932429
02/28/2013 - 29319141
03/29/2013 - 29917383
04/29/2013 - 30483966

To make it simple:
Jan/12 - 23.000.000
Feb/12 - 23.500.000
Mar/12 - 24.000.000
Apr/12 - 24.500.000
May/12 - 25.000.000
Jun/12 - 25.500.000
Jul/12 - 25.900.000
Aug/12 - 26.300.000
Sep/12 - 26.800.000
Oct/12 - 27.400.000
Nov/12 - 27.800.000
Dec/12 - 28.200.000
Jan/13 - 28.700.000
Feb/13 - 29.300.000
Mar/13 - 29.900.000
Apr/13 - 30.500.000

On a side note: the submited files were about 500.000 per month in 2012, and since 2013 they are about 600.000.

This way, you can check the file age on the database wit a glance. Images older than 25.000.000 sould have some sales. Recent images like above 28.000.000 with some sales are hits for sure.


  1. This is hard work and I congratulate you for doing this. I will study this too, thanks a lot!

    1. Thank you Alvera! :)
      Let me know if you can.


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