Behavioral physiological consequences: relax the body. Stress relief breathing exercises. "An anxious mind cannot exist in a relaxed body." Body and mind are inextricably related in anxiety. (Edmund J. Bourne) Reciprocal inhibition - if we are in a state of stress, and we use an antagonistic response, it will decrease or suppress levels of stress and anxiety. Antagonistic responses can be, for example, a relaxing bath, going to the beach, walking around. “Emergency breathing” can be used when other resources are not available to decrease or suppress stress levels - stress relief. Emergency Breathing 1 - Inhale through the nostrils slowly, using the diaphragm (filling the belly with air). 2 - Hold the air for 6 seconds. 3 - Exhale through the mouth, compressing it. 4 - Breathe normally 3 times. 5 - Repeat 2 or 3 times. _______________________________________ Consequências fisiológicas comportamentais: relaxar o corpo. Respiração de emergência anti-stress. “Não pode haver men...