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Showing posts from 2014

Finger Knitting - thick scarf

As the days are so cold, I feel like making some crochet hats and found this thick thick yarn on my stash ( Easy Wear by Gedifra). I love the softness of this yarn, but I have only one skein, so I decided to make something similar to this pattern - infinity button scarf , using finger knitting technique. But the yarn is so thick I needed to have the hands of a giant. So I used a piece of a board game, and here is the work in progress: Como os dias estão tão frios, tenho andado a fazer chapeus em crochet. Encontrei esta lã muito muito grossa (Easy Wear da Gedifra) nas minhas tralhas (era uma gola grossa feita em crochet que desfiz). Esta lã é muito macia e adoro o toque dela, mas como só tenho um novelo ou parte dele, decidi fazer algo similar a este cachecol - Infinnity Button Scarf usang a tecnica de tricotar com os dedos. Mas a lã é tão grossa que eu precisava de ter as mãos de um gigante, Por isso encontrei esta peça de um jogo de tabuleiro e aqui está o trabalho em ...

My First 3D Image - Coffee Cups

For some time I have been aspiring to learn to make images and animations in 3D program Blender, but ventured only in basic shapes and understandig the very basics of the very basic. I even made short animations, but my PC is too slow to render it at a reasonable quality. This week I persisted, and created my first (and from my point of view, successfull) image. It is a couple of two simple antique yellow cups with a deep blue background and only a bit of light casting over them. I wanted to create an images that is an invitation to a cup of tea or coffee, in a serene, peaceful, quiet place. This is what I came up with: © Illustration : Celiaak | Agency:   Now I'm dreaming further and have these otrher images dancing in my head. I'm willing to learn more and more just to be able to get them out in to the world. I'm glad I persisted and that I could find and start to learn Blender. It is my new love.

Colorful Doves flying seamless background

Colorful Doves flying seamless background I always love colorful whimsical images. This is my view on how doves look like when flying toghether. With tiny little hearts. © Illustration: Celiaak | Agency:


© Photographer: Celiaak | Agency:   If you have an iron heart, enjoy it. Mine, it was made with flesh, and bleeds all day. Se tens um coração de ferro, bom proveito. O meu, fizeram-no de carne, e sangra todo o dia. José Saramago in Os Poemas Possíveis, 1981 

The masks and the inner

There are always these ethereal figures dancing around me. They are colourless and their emotions are so so light as if they could not hurt. They want to get out of my fingers, forever shaping them because they keep changing and swirling. They are not really wearing masks, because a mask hides the true. Not wearing masks, because these masks are part of them and just tiny parts of a hole. We are all made of many many parts that keep changing and swirling and waving and peacefully turmoiling. Célia Ascenso © Photographer: Celia Ascenso | Agency:

International Colour Day - Dia Internacional da Cor

21 March is the International Colour Day. © Illustration: Celia Ascenso | Agency: Visual perception is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment by processing information that is contained in visible light. Colour is greatly influential in people’s lives and also one of the channels that contributes to the perception of reality. The day chosen for the adoption of an international day of colour and light was March 21st because this day is the also the "equinox" – aequus (equal) and nox (night). Around the equinox, the night and day are approximately equally long, symbolically relating to the nature of light and darkness, light and shadow expressed in many human cultures. © Illustration : Celia Ascenso | Agency: "Color can help to facilitate and fulfil some very basic human needs. It can: identify and specify necessary objects (animal, vegetable or mineral) for survival and/or enjoyment; stimulate and work...

Valentines Day poem by Shakespeare

© Illustration: Celiaak | Agency: "To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day,   All in the morning betime,   And I a maid at your window,   To be your Valentine.   Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes,   And dupp'd the chamber-door;   Let in the maid, that out a maid   Never departed more."   Ophelia in Hamlet (1600–1601), Act IV, Scene 5 - William Shakespeare See here the Hearts, hearts, hearts collection to find more Valentine's Day Images

Autumn - Outono

Autumn Haikai A yellow butterfly? Or a dry leave that fell off and did not wanted to land? Mario Quintana © Video: Celia Maria Ribeiro Ascenso | Agency: Haikai de Outono Uma borboleta amarela? Ou uma folha seca Que se desprendeu e não quis pousar? Mario Quintana