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Rainbow paint the dots symmetry game and rainbow facts

Paint the other half of the rainbow coloring the dots in a symmetrical way. Paint activity for children, helping to learn spatial perception through symmetry. 
Scroll down for interesting rainbow facts.
Rainbow paint the dots symmetry game
© Illustration: Celia Ascenso | Agency:
Pinta a outra metade do arco-íris colorindo os círculos de forma simétrica. Atividade de pintura para crianças, ajudando a desenvolver a perceção espacial através da simetria.
Rainbow facts: 
  • A rainbow is a full circle of light. However, most people view a rainbow from the ground, where we only see a semi-circle or half of the rainbow. 
  • The colors of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. 
  • When the sun is lower the rainbow will be higher in the sky. 
  • When the sun is higher the rainbow will be lower in the sky. 
  • A rainbow will be visible to a person at the precise angle where water droplets reflect the light: at 42 degrees in the opposite direction of the sun. 
  • A rainbow can be seen in rain, mist, spray, fog, dew, whenever there are water drops in the air and light shining from behind, at the correct angle. 
  • Sometimes one raindrop reflects sunlight twice and a secondary rainbow is formed. Secondary rainbows are an inverted version of the primary rainbow, and the colors are inverted: violet is the outermost colour and red the inner colour. 
  • A rainbow is not an object you can approach or touch. It is a visual effect of light refraction or reflection in water droplets. 
  • No two people can see the same rainbow because our different eyes see slightly different rainbows. If someone is under a rainbow we can see, that person will see a different rainbow further away. 
  • You can never reach the end of a rainbow as it moves along with you.
Circular rainbow round frame border
© Illustration: Celia  Ascenso | Agency:


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