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Some random interesting coffee facts:
- Coffee loses caffeine when it is roasted. A darker cup of coffee has less caffeine than a lighter one. Wikipedia
- In 1735, Bach wrote a song about coffee, the “Coffee Cantata.” A father- and daughter argue about how she drinks too much coffee and that’s why she doesn’t have a husband. When her father gives her an ultimatum, she lies to please him. While he’s out finding her a husband, she secretly tells possible husbands that they must let her drink coffee if they want to marry her. Bach-cantatas.com
- Coffee never tastes so good as it smells. The act of swallowing the drink sends a burst of aroma up the back of the nose from inside the mouth, activating a "second sense of smell" in the brain. This second sense of smell is less receptive to the flavour, causing a completely different and less satisfying sensation than smelling it from outside.Business Standard
- Around 1600, some Catholics urged Pope Clement VII to ban coffee, saying it was “devil’s beverage”. The Pope tasted the cofee, and remarked that the drink was “… so delicious that it would be a sin to let only misbelievers drink it”. Wikipedia
- An unidentified component of coffee interacts with the beverage's caffeine, which is why daily coffee intake protects against Alzheimer's disease. The interaction between this component and caffeine boosts blood levels of a critical growth factor that seems to fight off the Alzheimer's disease process. sciencedaily.com
- There are "Cat Café" places (Cat coffee shop), where you can drink coffee and hang out with cats. Wikipedia
- Coffee beans can be used as a non toxic method of slug control. Gardenhacker
- A dose of caffeine after a learning session may help to boost long-term memory. Medicalnewstoday
- I love coffee!
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